Wednesday 2 May 2007


Along with many topics discussed on this course sexual issues, such as masturbation, always raise an eyebrow in Western Societies. Pornography is another issue that receives equal support and condemnation in its own right. Many believe pornography is hazardous to young people who might consider taking up socially unacceptable practices from viewing images/films on the Internet or other mediums. Others believe it is a free choice and that as long as it is in the privacy of your own home, then it is acceptable. How bad is it?

Certain forms of pornography can be socially, if not morally unacceptable. Necrophilia (sexual intercourse with dead bodies), Bestiality(Sex with animals) and sex involving human waste shall always be considered bad despite the minority of people who practice it. It shall always be difficult to argue that sex with animals is healthy and acceptable in the privacy of your own home, and difficult to explain to friends/family why you engage with this activity. It is likely to socially exclude you from living a normal, happy life regardless of the pleasure involved.

However, conventional pornography has a case to argue in favour of itself. Most people engage in sexual activity on a regular basis in relationships and pornography is merely a tool or distraction of sexual gratification to make up for the absence of sex until they meet with the partner again. Is this bad? Most would say this is not bad, as long as it is not exposed to public viewing.

The pornography industry exists because of people's needs and desires for sex and consequently, porn film directors/publishers make millions every year from it. If people did not want pornography then people would not watch it. The advent of the Internet makes it even easier for people to view pornographic images 24/7. People feel this is bad, especially since children (those under 18 years of age) can access them. This can be considered bad since it is breaking the law and exposing children to issues that they do not understand fully until latter years. However, it would be difficult to argue that because one child views pornography in early years they shall become a sexual deviant in later ones.

Is pornography bad? Certain forms are distasteful and should be kept far from public consumption as possible. Pornography does not harm people when kept in private and allows people to experience their sexual desires in a form they might not get on a regular basis. The pornography industry shall continue to exist regardless of what minority of people disagree with it...

Here is a link to more on pornography (an appropriate one, and I'm not posting an image in case this withdraws my whole weblog!!):

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