Thursday 3 May 2007


The choice to end one's life early due to terminal illness/disability/in a permanent vegetative state or in a coma has always been controversial. Should people be allowed the choice to die early if it is their express wishes to do so, even if it is illegal in most Westernised States, and is it bad?

The bad concept, or argument against the use of euthanasia, is the fact a life could be ended without the consent of the individual concerned, even if it would end their suffering; they may have not wanted it. A doctor's opinion usually the determining factor: his medical knowledge is normally the best course of action to follow. But medical science is never 100% successful: medical professionals can get it wrong. The moral and religious obligations of ending life also come into play: many religions perceiving this as suicide and therefore, a sin against those who commit it.

The argument expressed for euthanasia is that it does end suffering of the patient. If I were given the choice between perpetual pain and a quick, painless death; I would always go for the latter. There is no worse suffering an individual can experience when there are choices to null the pain. One could argue that it would reduce costs but this is purely a cosmetic benefit rather than a way of reducing a burden on medical health services.

So is Euthanasia always bad? It can be when despite all avenues of medical care have been exhausted, it is always the patients decision that always counts; not the express wishes of others. The other complication is that people feel it would abuse the fabric of life and death: Who gets to choose who ends someones life? With the slow introduction of living will's in Europe, people are concerned there shall be unnecessary terminations leading to death with little regard, dignity and respect for the individuals concerned.

Euthanasia shall always be controversial but like many others discussed, the conflict of interests shall remain until more research into more humane ways of terminating a life, in certain circumstances, are found. It shall always be an option if needed: the only other alternative being suicide...

Here is a link for more on the issues of Euthanasia:

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