Saturday 21 April 2007

Comment on Kat Mellie's post on Decency

"I don't understand how people can't think of others."

The answer here is very simple: too much work; not enough time off; too much money and too much alcohol. People are beginning to live closer and closer together and it is becoming more and more of a problem. Having a party is fine, but, like you correctly identify, when it goes on for an unreasonable length of time and being extremely noisy is very inconsiderate. Some people are genuinely apologetic for these things; but most don't care. When confronting the offender you are most likely to experience abuse; no person should be exposed to this if they politely ask them to quieten down. This is common decency!

The government should do more. Their unsuccessful attempt to curb this problem with the introduction of ASBO's (Anti-Social Behaviour Orders) shall only exacerbate the rising problem and it shall become even more frequent in everyday living. People cannot live in perpetual conflict like some people have to experience in high-rise council buildings. It leads to a breakdown of society.

The police should take an interest in this problem, but rarely prosecute on the level they should. Society is becoming more unruly; someone should step up to the plate and teach people how to get on with each other.

I agree with you 100% on this issue that decency is being eroded in society.

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