Monday 23 April 2007


One of the most controversial topics in most modern western societies is the subject of abortion. Abortion, being the practice of terminating a foetus before it has matured in the womb, has provoked extreme views; some believing it is murder; others a necessary action to prevent genetic defects; or simply to terminate unnecessary pregnancies. But is it bad??

Abortion is legal in the UK until the foetus is up to 24weeks of maturity. After this limit, it is illegal. In direct contrast to this, the U.S.A has made abortion illegal in most states. Moral and religious considerations have been taken into account for this and shows that not all western countries are the same. Many countries in the developing world continue the practice of abortion although this can be hazardous to all parties concerned: potentially fatal due to the lack of professional medical care and sterilised equipment.

In my view, abortion is a last case resort. If it is indeed deemed a child shall be born with a disabling genetic condition, such as Down's Syndrome, then it may be both morally and ethically correct to prevent a life's suffering for both the individual and the parents concerned. The use of abortion as a preventative measure for unwanted pregnancies is difficult to justify. However, should the party be made pregnant through incest, rape or being underage, then it could be right to have an abortion since the persons involved have not the choice in the pregnancy.

Is a foetus murdered? The main argument suggests that the foetus was indeed able to feel, think for itself and other human traits that we possess. This is difficult to prove. But then again, most foetuses have no identity, name, or thinking that would challenge this otherwise. Can you murder something that is not truly matured, living, thinking, feeling? Is it right? Like I have already stated there are reasons why it should be done. The death of a foetus is as traumatic as murder: this could be the true comparison. It is a very difficult question to answer.

Abortion is difficult to class as bad; it is indeed highly controversial. Abortion is a medical technique that shall continue to be used should individuals have a genuine reason to use it. The various lobby's against it shall continue, but until there is another medical technique used to prevent all medical problems of the foetus then it shall continue to be used into the future; rightly or wrongly.

Here is a link for more information on abortions as provided by the National Health Service (NHS):

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