Monday 30 April 2007


Drugs, along with alcohol and smoking, are highly debated topics in modern society. When compared against these drugs tend to be placed in the most hazardous to your health category. However, the effects of drugs in the short term are just as bad as the other two in the long term. But is this a 'bad' thing?

In my opinion, I do not enjoy the thought of taking hard drugs i.e. Heroin, Crack and LSD. The thought of injecting a cocktail of potentially lethal stimulants is frightening, even if the experience of taking them is meant to be heavenly. The fact that drugs are illegal also would make me think twice before taking them; going to prison for possessing them is not worth the bother. The social impact can be tremendous when people become addicted to drugs and the associated crime to pay for your habit when all your money is gone. Families can be broken and tear people apart before either prison or death from an overdose. These are the worst aspects of hard drugs.

However, is there a case of taking softer drugs? Are they as bad?

Marijuana has been hotly debated ever since the re-classification of them as a Class-C drug: placing them on the list along with anabolic steroids. The effects of marijuana are not lethal; no risk of an overdose in one smoke. But, they have been linked with mental health problems when used in the long term. Scientific research is taking place to determine whether marijuana has potential medical benefits to patients with MS/ME. When placed in this context, are they bad?

I would still say that despite the fact it is not lethal, taking drugs is not socially acceptable. Smoking marijuana is not as bad in the short term as alcohol in the long term. But, the fact they are illegal makes it 'bad' whatever the case; breaking the law is always bad!

But drugs do provide an interesting subject since they provoke many reactions. There are some favourable aspects of drugs in medicine and research, but the overall argument would have to say that drugs are indeed 'bad' for you despite the potential buzz you get from them; it is not worth it for your welfare...

Here is a link to inform people of all the drugs available to you and their affects/effects of them:

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