Tuesday 17 April 2007

Comment on Kiri Horne's post on Body Modification


I also thought the lecture on Body Modification would be not that interesting, but was pleasantly surprised to find it to be one of the best! It is interesting that body modification encapsulates everything including the regular cutting of hair or simply putting makeup on. I am not surprised the individual concerned fell off his seat!

I too did not realise the significance of tribal tattoos and the implications of getting them.Indeed I never thought them racist or potentially harmful by copying them; in Robbie Williams case, if he ever visits New Zealand, he's in trouble for copying ta-moko and tribal tattooing.

Indeed it was interesting to know that the Queen mother and Winston Churchill's Mother had tattoos. You never can tell with certain people if they have had body modification done.

Some extreme forms of body modification are hard to stomach especially those involving genital piercing. I would never consider having them done, but if people feel the need to do it I would never condone it; everyone has their own reasons for it.

I do not think body modification is a bad thing and they liven up a very boring canvas of your body.

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