Gambling has become a hot debate in the UK in the last year. The proposal to create Super Casinos: 24hr Las-Vegas style Casinos, has been controversial. Many believe it shall prey on the vulnerable or the young who might want to get addicted to gambling. Others believe it is a good thing providing much need jobs in hospitality and entertainment sectors. This can pose an interesting question: Is all forms of gambling bad?
Gambling comes in many forms: Horse racing, Greyhound Racing, Motor Racing, Sports Bets, Poker, Fruit Machines and so on and so forth. Gambling once every so often is quite popular especially with the advent of the National Lottery where anyone can win huge sums of money for a £1 bet. This sort of gambling is less risky since the chances of winning big are slim and it is unlikely to lead to further gambling. When Gambling becomes a daily routine or when the addiction to winning takes you over; that is when it becomes 'bad'. The prospect of losing all your money in one bet is catastrophic and it can lead to social problems; sometimes leading to those stealing money from loved ones or committing crimes to fund their habits.
These are the bad aspects of gambling and responsible bookmakers and casinos should stop those who are quite obviously going to put themselves in danger of bankruptcy. More help should be given to the vulnerable; not punishment.
As for Super Casinos, I don't really believe they are needed; the UK has plenty already. The only people who benefit are the people who run the establishment; not the lucky few who make a tidy profit on a game of chance.
For gambling issues and to get help, here is a link for all your needs:
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